

Parents, 'normal' children and their lives

... Can be summed up like this: 

1- Will Henry/Melissa do well in school? I certainly hope Henry or Melissa get okay not good grades. Why must you be so pushy? Its not healthy for you. Just be grateful your child is not doing drugs, smoking or in trouble with the police. 

2- I hope Lyla/Pam do some sporty things. Of course they might. If not, NEVER force the issue, its not emotionally sensible. 

3- I want my child to be married. That is a possibility. Again, forcing is not a good option ever. 

Mums/Dads of children with needs lose on the 'expected' stuff. Maybe, not all but they do lose out on some. Over time, progress happens and goals are achieved. Parents of children with difficulties are more thankful than normal mamas/papas. 

Message for typical families- If the things above are your only concerns, be grateful and dont moan. Typical parents look at your child's accomplishments again and celebrate them with your offspring. 

I happened to read a excellent blog post on the subject a while ago. Today, I thought I would write my own version of it. 

Disclaimer- this is not a copy. Like I stated in a previous blog post, I hate copying. Its plagiarism, not sure how to spell it rightly. 

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